How do I fix a slow startup on Windows 10 ?

Whenever we powering on the Laptop and try to start windows OS  but facing the slow startup issue, take much time to get a window home screen. then just follow below given tips and trick it help to improve the speed of your laptop at windows startup, Laptop slow and startup slow are two different issues so just identified with troubleshooting bellow steps.

How do I fix a slow startup on Windows 10?
  1. Disable unnecessary programs from running at startup in Task Manager.
  2. Check HDD disc utilization If applicable, upgrade to an SSD.
  3. Delete Unnecessary Temporary File.
  4. Clean Up Memory.
  5. Run Disk Cleanup & Run Defragment And Optimize Drives.
  6. Remove all bloatware default installed by the computer’s manufacturer.
  7. Remove all 3rd party “utilities”.
  8. Remove viruses and malware from update Antivirus.
  9. Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
  10. Uninstall unused and needless programs/applications.
  11. Windows Update causing 100% disk usage.
  12. Restore your PC from a system restore point.
  13. Pause OneDrive syncing.
  14. Check Your BIOS. Update It & Check All Your Drivers is Updated.
  15. Change the operating system's virtual memory settings.

Why does it take my computer so long to start up?
Why does it take my computer so long to startup?

Disable startup programs: Disable the status programs from "msconfig" some time startup programs are active in memory they may reason of slow startup so disable these less usable programs from startups. just follow the below steps.

1. Open the run command and type "msconfig" and press ok..

Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it

2. Go on General option check the selective startup or normal startup select if you want customization on the same.

Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it

3. Now go on Services tab and check the selective services so uncheck the unwanted services and restart the setup.

Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it

4. Now open the startup option and disable the unwanted programs from the task manager which ruining on bag round while startup the windows.

Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it

5. Update the Graphics Drivers:

Graphic drivers also cases of a slow startup may heavy GUI so just update the graphic driver from the updated version from the manufacturer website as given below steps.

  • Go on Start and type computer management 

Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it
  • Right-click on the Graphic option and update the drivers from the manufacturing site with the latest update.
Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it

6- Check HDD disc utilization If applicable, upgrade to an SSD:
  1. Check your Disk Drive utilization if found 100% reach then Clear the Trash, Clear the cache, uninstall the unnecessary application, Adjusting the pagefile size.
  2. If using HDD the go for SSD (Solid State Drives) is much faster than traditional mechanical hard drives or if you using SSD only then make sure it’s not overheating or too old.

How do I fix a slow startup on Windows 10 ?

7- Windows updates : 

Microsoft release security updates on occasionally so check if it's pending for downloading or installing please do this manually it helps to improve the performance. 

  1. Select Start button, then select Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > Check for updates

How do I fix a slow startup on Windows 10 ?

8- Change the operating system's virtual memory settings:
Why does it take my computer so long to start up? | Slow Windows Startup Fix it
  1. Click on Start (Search Bar) and type “Performance” and click on “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows” 
  2. Now go to the Advanced tab and click in Change in the Virtual Memory section.
  3. Now uncheck the options Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
How do I fix a slow startup on Windows 10 ?

Just follow the above steps it helps you to fast your windows startup and fix a slow startup on Windows 10.

Also if you have below questions like - windows 10 takes a long time to load, Windows 10 slow boot after update 2021, windows 10 slow boot 2021, windows 10 slow boot black screen, windows 10 slow boot 2020, windows 10 very slow, and unresponsive, how do i fix slow startup, windows 10 slow boot after update 2020.

Thank you..
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